Filling out our online New York Marital Settlement Agreement Questionnaire is free, and there is no time limit. You may save your answers and return as often as you like. After you finish, you can decide whether or not to purchase.
What is a New York Marital Settlement Agreement?
A New York marital settlement agreement, also known as a marital separation agreement or a property settlement agreement, is a written and signed contract dividing your property, spelling out your rights, and settling problems such as alimony and custody.
The New York Marital Settlement Agreement that we provide will cover every major circumstance and enable you to deal with the following issues:
- Visitation
- Child Support Payments Under New York Law
- Spousal Maintenance Under New York Law
- Property Division
- Division of Debts
- Health Insurance
- Disposition of the Marital Home
- Pension Plans
- Tax Issues
- Future Dispute Settlement
- We will draft specific language when required and amend your agreement at any time up to the time you file for your divorce. We will provide you with legal advice on issues that you need to reach agreement with your spouse before you finalize your agreement. Legal advice is included within our fixed fee. Ordinarily you execute a marital settlement agreement before you file your divorce papers, normally at the time that you separate.
- Once you enter into the written agreement your case becomes an uncontested divorce. Once you have an uncontested divorce, it is relatively easy to represent yourself in all other aspects of your divorce. This is the lowest cost way for you to get a divorce. An uncontested divorce is not for everyone, but if you can make your divorce uncontested your will save thousands of dollars in legal fees and be able to expedite the entire procedure.
Guarantee: We offer a 100% refund if you are not satisfied.